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Privacy Policy

А. Entry
The privacy of our website is of the utmost importance to us, and we report to you all for your privacy. These rules explain how we win your personal information.Please allow us to accept cookies on your first visit to our website, subject to the provisions of these Terms and Conditions, and please allow us to accept cookies on your next visit.B. Rights of intellectual powerThis document was created from the selected template from the SEQ Legal website (seqlegal.com) and modified by the website of Mikhailo Patsan mpatsan.com
Б. Collection of personal data
The selection, collection and selection of victories are followed by the following types of personal data:
● Information about your computer, including your IP address, geographic location, browser type and version, and operating system;● Information about your review of that website, including referral number, length of visits, pages viewed and ways of navigation on the site;● Information about your e-mail address, as well as the wiki for registration on our website;● Information, how you entered the hour of your profile creation on our website - for example, your name, image on your profile, become, date of birth, family status, hobbies and interests, education and work;● Information, such as your name and e-mail address, as you indicated the hour of registration of the subscription to our mail notifications and/or services;● Information, how you have entered the hour of service of our website;●Information as generated when browsing our website, including information about the hour, frequency and frequency of the call;●Information about all your purchases, services, or transactions you have made through our website, including your name, address, phone number, email address, and credit card information;● Information, as published on our website with the method of publication on the Internet, including your name, profile picture and image of your publication;● Information, which may be sent in any form of information, if you have sent us by electronic mail or through our website, including information about metadata;● Whether or not your personal information, as you have sent us.
Before that, as a disclosure for us of the personal information of a third individual, you can take it from the year of the individual as for the disclosure, so for the processing of this information from the visibility to these rules.Before that, as a disclosure for us of the personal information of a third individual, you can take it from the year of the individual as for the disclosure, so for the processing of this information from the visibility to these rules.
В. Retrieving your personal information
Personal information that you provide to us through our website will be victorious for the purposes set forth in these policies or on the relevant pages of the website. We may extract your personal information for the following purposes:
● administration of our website and business;● personalization of our website for you;● to enable you to use the services available on our website;● strength to you goods, delivered through our website;● services provided to you through our website;● reinforcement to you, rahunkіv and guessing about payment, that withdrawal of payments from you;● strengthen you non-marketing commercial support;● strengthening you by e-mail reminding you, as you specifically requested;● powering you with electronic mail, as you have intervened (you can help us at any time, so you don’t have to take away electronic mail from us);● Nadsylannya to you marketing, they are stubbornly, an active actively Active of the Starado Strazdi -Grand -Grand Companion, Yaka, for our dump, you can touch you, the Pubblekatsiy nib. at any moment you can help us, you don’t need to take marketing advice anymore);● Providing third-party companies with statistical information about our coriste workers (prote, third-party companies cannot be able to identify a domestic coristuvach from these data);● applying for requests made by you or on you, and as a matter of interest to our website;● with the method of ensuring the safety of our site and the advance of shakhraystvo;● by the method of reviewing the compliance with the minds and the rules that regulate the selection of our website (including monitoring of private notifications, sending through the service of private notifications to our website); that● in other purposes.If you have provided personal information for publication on our website, we publish it. In a different way, we vikoristovuvatimmem tsyu іnformatsiyu vіdpovіdnostі to licenzії, yak vy gave us.If you have provided personal information for publication on our website, we publish it. In a different way, we vikoristovuvatimmem tsyu іnformatsiyu vіdpovіdnostі to licenzії, yak vy gave us.

Your privacy policy may be used to publicize your personal information on our website.